Movie title rip-offs

Ever since watching a Friends episode where they passed reference to a “swedish documentary” by the name of “Good Will Humping” I have wanted to find a list of titles of regular movies that have been ripped off by this industry. However – I have never quite felt comfortable searching for such information. Today I overcame my fears and performed a few searches here are the results…!

The following is a list of movies that I am happy to report that I haven’t seen but that nondesputedly are terrible rip-offs of movie titles adapted to suit the porn industry! I have made a small subset of the less offensive ones…

– Cliff Hanger = Cliff Banger
– Gone in 60 seconds = Done in 60 seconds
– Free Willy = Free My Willy
– Good Will Hunting = Good Will Humping
– I know what you did last summer = I Know What you did with the Plumber
– Men in Black = Men in Back
– Schindlers List = Schindler’s Fist
– Saving Private Ryan = Shaving Ryan’s Privates
– The three Musketeers = The Three Musket Queers
– You Have Mail = You Have Male