
I dag kunne ein i avisa Gulf News lese om ein pakistansk drosjesjåfør som leverte attende 9,5 kilo gull og 40 000 USD som nokon hadde gløymt att i drosja hans. Seinare, same dagen stod det å lese om ein annan pakistansk drosjesjåfør i Dubai som hadde funne 120 000 Euro i drosja si for […]
More and more unknown people lay claim to their fifteen minutes in the limelight. Today two of them could be seen on the front page of my local newspaper “Sogn Avis”. Under the headline “Rare Breed”, they are shown in something which allegedly is a wrestling pose. I’m not a prejudiced man, but there’s something […]
Etter å ha flytt attende til Sandane frå synda sin eigen heimstad, Oslo, har frende Anders A Fitje teke initiativ til ei tilstelling i litteraturen sitt namn, Gloppen Boksete. Boksete er, til liks med “beverpelsen” til Agnar Mykle, eit vakkert ord som det ikkje utan vidare er lett å bli klok på – om du […]
Following up on my previous searches conducted in May and August this year, here are the numbers for November 18th: Google reports “about 25 500 results” for the query “I hate Facebook” Google reports “about 22 200 results” for the query “I love Facebook” Those in their right mind, who hate, still are in the […]
 The anti-piracy organizations have a great challenge in trying to pass their message through to the vast multitude of Internet users who by now have grown accustomed to having unlimited amounts of free music and films freely available at their digital door-step. This film probably doesn’t contribute towards this goal either: Best Anti-Piracy Ad Ever […]
Eg er to meter høg, ein meter brei, ein meter djup, og har såleis eit volum på omlag 2 kubikkmeter – og vekt deretter. Til små menneske som klagar over kor ubehageleg det er å reise med fly har eg berre ein ting å seie: de anar ikkje kva de snakkar om! På fly er […]
Midt på åttitalet var det lite folk å finne på Fitjestøylen anna enn helgar med godt og lageleg vér midt på sommaren. Eg og nokre kameratar, som likte å gå i fjellet, byrja i den tida å gå på støylen ofte. I tidsrommet frå mai til oktober var vi der rett som det var heilt […]
The media is overflowing with criticism of past events and explanations of how it was inevitable that this and that would fail at any given point in time. Yet, nobody seems to be able to predict these things, only “postdict” them, which in all fairness isn’t such a useful gift. The Futurist has since 1985 […]
The character Doc Wilson in the film State and Maine introduced the world to the ill-forged statement: “never trust a man in a bow tie”. This entirely baseless statement has since been embraced by all those who due to lack of ability are forced to wear regular neck ties or, worse still, cannot even manage […]
The Bishops Meeting, part of the management of the Church of Norway, has decided to alter future translations of the Holy Bible into Norwegian by excluding the word “tukt” (Norwegian for punishment/torment). The decision was made unanimously. It doesn’t say if God was consulted on the matter, but we must assume that He, like most […]