
My favourite holiday destination over the past three years was once again made victim of my presence as I made my way across the atlantic, leaving behind the cold of the Scandinavian winter and greeting the equatorial summer.
If you ever should find yourself in the position where you are tempted to go to Fernando do Noronha a beautiful yet somewhat dry archipelago in the atlantic outside the state of Pernambuco in North Eastern Brazil there is ONE thing you should make sure of. NEVER EVER USE the agency of PAX TURISMO located […]
The archipelago of Fernando Noronha is located some 360 km off the coast of Brazil outside the sandy shores and heavenly beaches of Rio Grande do Norte. The island is no larger than that one could easily walk around it within a day but has a rich marine fauna and holds important habitats for such […]
I picked up this brochure at my hotel in Rio. It told me to visit the Belmonte bar, a fine establishment that seems to be packed with people most of the week. I do not doubt their capability of producing wonderful food and serving cold beers. It is this brochure that interest me. The design […]
Just like the month of december is a month of cheerfulness and anticipation before the holidays, january is the month of hang over. It is cold, it is dark, it has tons of work on store and the next holiday is yet out of reach. This if any is the month to leave Norway behind […]
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil) – 2/2004 The autumn is a good time to go to South America. While it is getting steadily colder in Western Norway, spring has just kicked in just south of the Equator. Average 24 hour temperatures of 26 degrees celcius can be mean for someone who live in a […]
In accordance with something that has become more of a rule than an exception I woke up with a start at 04:50 in the morning. The taxi was waiting outside. Within 7 minutes I was on my way to the railway station and within an additional 13 I was on my way to the airport […]
Natal (Brazil) Having been a pronounced enemy of beach activities most of grown up life I didn’t quite know what to do with close to 1000 km of sandy beaches at my hands feet. However, a hundred or so drunk, and increasingly sun burnt, Scandinavians had a perfectly good idea what they wanted do, making the beach […]