
“Pygméar” er eit ord som vert nytta for å skildre medlemmer av stammar i sentral-Afrika der gjennomsnittshøgda på vaksne er 150 cm eller lågare. Ordet “pygme” stammar frå gresk, “pygmaioi” – eit mytisk stammefolk av dvergar som levde i det området som i dag heiter Ethiopia, i følgjer Homer. Pygméar er ganske enkelt ei gruppe […]
Came across this wonderful list of ways to tick off your colleagues at work or other people for that matter: HOW TO TICK PEOPLE OFF 1. Leave the copy machine set to reduce 200%, extra dark, 17 inch paper, 99 copies. 2. In the memo field of all your checks, write “for sexual favors.” 3. […]
I spotted the ‘Clothes Drier’ at an electric appliance store the other day. This aptly named machine aspires to dry your clothes in a more efficient way, but I wouldn’t throw away my tumble-drier just yet. The Clothes Drier consists of a vertical cylinder mounted on a tripod with an electrical oven about fifty centimeters […]
While scouting for something to make the removal of leftover bread crumbs from fundamentally useless irish bread more efficient I encountered this laser-gun looking device. Vacuum cleaning might have been fun had I been in possession of one of these when I was little. Nowadays I am more uncertain as to whether this is the […]
As exotic problems go, my horizon was significantly broadened after a recent visit to Laoise County Hall. By the entrance door there is a postbox with the following warning on it: ‘Don’t put money in this box’. The thought of doing so never occured to me in the first place, but if people would want […]
I have come up a (theoretical) alternative to dieting. It should be fool-proof and builds on the fact that the pleasure of eating is mainly about substance and taste. Once food is swallowed it is purely of nutritional value. The concept would be to intercept the food after it leaves the mouth but before it […]
In the 1930’s during the excavation of a village near Baghdad, archeologists encountered a battery – a 2000 year old battery to be omore precise. You can read more about the Baghdad battery and other world mysteries at Read a short outtake from the World Mysteries homepage below: In 1936, while excavating ruins of […]
Statsvitar Erling Dokk Holm identifiserte i dag det Sogndal kommune har slite med i lang tid. Sjølvaste nøkkelen til å oppnå ei positiv utvikling her. Det som manglar her er fleire homofile, fråskilde og innvandrarar. Det Dokk Holm er bekymra for er at det ikkje er rom for menneske som ikkje fell innunder A4-definisjonen i […]
On thursday 17th of March 2005, the worst case of tooth ache I ever felt kicked in and rendered me a complete wreck: incapable of thinking, sleeping and even speaking. A quick search on the Internet told me that hitting my thumb, rather hard, with a hammer would make the tooth ache go away – […]
When you really want to celebrate! There are events and occasions in life that calls for celebration. In my own humble oppinion rugby is not to be found in this number, but it isn’t so for everyone; according to the Mirror a welsh rugby fan was so convinced England would win over Wales in this […]