Mr.MICHELL BUNGAHI, the son of late NJAMAH BUNGAHI (the former sierra-leonean minister of international affairs)

It affords him a great pleasure to have a business transactions with me. and he briefly introduces himself by saying “…my name is Mr.MICHELL BUNGAHI a Sierra-leonean by nationality…”


It affords me a great pleasure to have a business transaction with you. In a brief introduction, my name is Mr.MICHELL BUNGAHI a Sierra-leonean by nationality.

I am the son of late NJAMAH BUNGAHI the former sierra-leonean minister of internal affairs who was assassinated in Freetown sierra-leon on the 2nd of July 2000 by the rabbel forces led by major John Koro in the bid to overthrown the democratic government. Before the assassination,my father was also the chairman of the sierra-leonean national diamond and gold cooperation .

The war that broke-out from the unlawful rebeloverthrown forced us to flew to a neighbouring village until the West African Peace Keeping Force
(ECOMOG)took control of my village mende then I decided to go back to our family to search for some vital document and valuables. When I was searching for documents I found keys to my father’s under ground safe, where I discovered one metallic box filled with money with payment
voucher,IT contain ten point five million U.S.dollars($10.5M) being proceeds gotten from the sales of Gold and Diamond to Libyan government by
the cooperation which my father was the chairman.

With the help of a local fisherman that operate a fishing trawler, I was able to take the box to Cotonou-Benin through the coastal line and deposited it in Allied Security Company as a family treasure. After my discussion with the Director of the security company, he accepted to assist me transfer the consignment to any of their offices in Europe by cargo.

Because of these arrangement, I decided to contact you first because I needed a foreign partner who will help me to receive the consignment over there, open an account in his name and pay in the fund for onward transfer to his or her account overseas. After this transaction, I would like to invest in real estate or any other lucrative business you might suggest as I wish to have a partnership with you.

If you are interested;
(1) I will send to you the telephone number of the security company in Cotonou-Benin for you to confirm the availability of the treasure box(fund).
(2) I will also fax the security company’s Deposit Certificate and the receipt of the deposit payment which I paid.
(3) For your assistance, me and my family have accepted to compensate you with 30% of the total fund and also you will be part of any investment accepted by the family.

I look forward to having a good business relationship with you.

I will be very grateful to hear a positive response from you as soon as possible. Via tel +229-459088.

Yours sincerely,