Dr Jeffery Richard Williams, The group head, Banking Operation Deparment of foreign operations in Inland bank Nigeria plc

Dr Jeffery Richard Williams, The group head, Banking Operation Deparment of foreign operations in Inland bank Nigeria plc
He greets me sincerely. For my kind attention,He feels he must apologize for jumping into my private email address, he is very sorry indeed.There was no other way of passing this information out to solicit my interest and help…
Dear Partner,
I greet you sincerely. For your kind attention,I must apologize for jumping into your private email address,i am very sorry indeed.There was no other way of passing this information out to solicit your interest and help, It is my humble pleasure and trust,I write this very important letter to you,considering not knowing you in person, if you are capable and kind enough to assist me in this business proposal.
I am just trying to know if i can trust you with this valuable information, irrespective of the fact that we didn’t know each other, but for the first time in life i am taking this decision, either good or bad, i can not keep waiting forever. I came across your email address via the internet and hope this is not a mistake or bad luck for me to meet with untrustworthy person. I am searching for a truthful,honest and Godly person to assist me in this business.I repeat , i do not know you,but hope a meet a friend, a trust worthy friend.
My name is Dr Jeffery Richard Williams,The group head, Banking Operation Deparment of foreign operations in Inland bank Nigeria plc. An attorney contacted me in the year 2000 in regards to huge amount of money in our bank at the tune of US$32.5million (Thirty-Two million, five hundred thousand United States Dollars) belonging to one of his client ( Engr Barry J Kelly) our customer who was accidentally murdered by armed robbers alongside with his entire family in November 1999 on their way back from a vacation.
After i got this information, i personally carried out my own little investigation within the banking premises and out-side to be sure that this is not a set-up for me to loss my job. It was so strange to receive such information from his attorney, i had to be sure this is genuine and authentic.
Actually i found out that everything was true and my bank has been expecting his NEXT OF KIN to come over the bank and claim this money because it cannot be claimed unless somebody applies as his NEXT OF KIN as indicated in our banking guide, unfortunately, his supposed NEXT OF KIN died along side with him as the attorney earlier informed me and also from my investiagtion.
I beleive the attorney after my own little investigation which proves it to be true and we started working out the related documents to enable us claim this fund. We are also aware that Late Engr Barry J kelly, operated this account secretly, which he kept for his only son who died with him.
For over 2 years we have carefully planned this deal, we looked for the necessary documents, information that will enable us carry out a successful claim on this fund, hence the deposit was made in my branch. Now that all papers are ready, we decided to make contact with a foreigner who will act as the next of kin. We are asking for your assistant to release the money to you as NEXT OF KIN or relation to the deceased for safe keeping and subsequent disbursement, hence there is none to claim this fund and I don’t want this money to go back into Federal Government account as unclaimed bill.
The banking law and guideline here stipulates that such money if remain unclaim after two years of maturity, it will be transferred into banking treasury as unclaimed effect. The request of a foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Nigerian cannot stand as a NEXT OF KIN to a foreigner. I am ready to negotiate the mode of sharing with you.
Thereafter we will visit your country for the disbursement/investing of my share according to the percentages we agreed upon. To enable the immediate transfer of the fund, you must apply first to the bank as next of kin to the deceased. Note this transaction requires utmost confidentiality.And I am assuring you that it is 100% risk free so you need not be afraid. I expect a positive response from you soonest as we are running out of time and we wish to conclude with this deal before christmas.
Best regards,
Dr Jeffery Williams, Group head, Banking Operation

[ (Stein) Runar Bergheim, M. 4.Thu, ]