social networking

2007 was the year when Facebook, unfortunately, made it’s way into to (un)conciousness of most Norwegians. As the year grew older Facebook developed from merely being annoying to becoming entirely intolerable. I StumbledUpon pensionbook, while surfing the Internet this afternoon. It is a nice adaption of the Facebook concept applied on old people! Click here […]
Following up on my previous searches conducted in May and August this year, here are the numbers for November 18th: Google reports “about 25 500 results” for the query “I hate Facebook” Google reports “about 22 200 results” for the query “I love Facebook” Those in their right mind, who hate, still are in the […]
The last few weeks FaceBook has spread like a wild fire througout Norway. The major newspapers have started to pick up on the trend and having read their many articles to the praise of FaceBook, I feel like reflecting a little. Back in 1999/2000 a social networking site called eCircles was on the rise. A […]