Which are the 50 largest cities of the world (by population)

Which are the 50 largest cities of the world (by population)
Which is the largest city of the world?! This question seems to haunt me and returns time and time again in discussions that could have been put to an end sooooooo easy!

Rank City Country Population
1 SEOUL South Korea 10,231,000
2 São Paulo Brazil 10,009,000
3 Bombay India 9,925,000
4 JAKARTA Indonesia 9,373,000
5 Karachi Pakistan 9,339,000
6 MOSKVA (Moscow) Russia 8,297,000
7 Istanbul Turkey 8,260,000
8 MEXICO (Mexico City) Mexico 8,235,000
9 Shanghai China 8,214,000
10 TOKYO Japan 8,130,000
11 New York (NY) USA 8,008,000
12 BANGKOK Thailand 7,506,700
13 BEIJING China 7,362,000
14 Delhi India 7,206,000
15 LONDON UK 7,074,000
16 HongKong China 6,843,000
17 CAIRO Egypt 6,800,000
18 TEHRAN Iran 6,758,000
19 BOGOTA Colombia 6,422,000
20 Bandung Indonesia 5,919,000
21 Tianjin China 5,855,000
22 LIMA Peru 5,681,000
23 Rio de Janeiro Brazil 5,613,000
24 Lahore Pakistan 5,143,000
25 Bogor Indonesia 5,000,000
26 SANTIAGO Chile 4,788,000
27 St Petersburg Russia 4,678,000
28 Shenyang China 4,669,000
29 Calcutta India 4,399,000
30 Wuhan China 4,040,000
31 Sydney Australia 4,031,000
32 Guangzhou China 3,935,000
33 SINGAPORE Singapore 3,894,000
34 Madras India 3,841,000
35 BAGHDAD Iraq 3,841,000
36 Pusan South Korea 3,814,000
37 Los Angeles (CA) USA 3,694,000
38 Yokohama Japan 3,426,000
39 DHAKA Bangladesh 3,397,000
40 BERLIN Germany 3,386,000
41 Alexandria Egypt 3,339,000
42 Bangalore India 3,302,000
43 Malang Indonesia 3,173,000
44 Hyderabad India 3,145,000
45 Chongqing China 3,127,000
46 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 3,015,000
47 Haerbin China 2,990,000
48 ANKARA Turkey 2,984,000
49 BUENOS AIRES Argentina 2,965,000
50 Chengdu China 2,954,000

[ (Stein) Runar Bergheim, 2 . 2.Sun, ]