My father is a collector. Not in the sense that he collects specific items of particular actual or sentimental value, he merely accumulates things. Things that have no particular use or function but occupy a rather large and unseemly amount of space! For most people this eccentricity would not be significant as the number of […]
The character Doc Wilson in the film State and Maine introduced the world to the ill-forged statement: “never trust a man in a bow tie”. This entirely baseless statement has since been embraced by all those who due to lack of ability are forced to wear regular neck ties or, worse still, cannot even manage […]
I spotted the largest plane I ever saw when flying into Ljubljana Airport. Please notice the fuel van parked under the wings on the far side of the monstrous machine.
This is the household item you’ve all been waiting for! Is it a closet? No. Is it a public toilet with ill-placed windows? No. Is it the 2 person infra-red sauna? YES!!! And it comes at a favorable price of only € 2 699.00 – a real bargain if you ask me! And you won’t […]
This box contained a cup with an attitude. It was purchased at a gadget shop in Copenhagen in 2005.
During a recent trip to India, my friend Håvard purchased an innocent looking doll for his daughter Rebekka, however, the doll was equipped with an obscene object that apparently was meant to look like a drum stick. The resemblance of something quite different is striking. The photo shows Beate, Håvard and a weird object!
Vreid lead singer and Avinet co-founder Sture sent me these touching photos from his annual salmon fishing expeditioin to the once famous, now apparently empty, salmon river Gaula in Trøndelag. The thumbnail photo shows a no. 10 fly-hook (accidentally) embedded into Stures index finger. The photo below shows a wall exhibition of fishing gear removed […]
I spotted the ‘Clothes Drier’ at an electric appliance store the other day. This aptly named machine aspires to dry your clothes in a more efficient way, but I wouldn’t throw away my tumble-drier just yet. The Clothes Drier consists of a vertical cylinder mounted on a tripod with an electrical oven about fifty centimeters […]
While scouting for something to make the removal of leftover bread crumbs from fundamentally useless irish bread more efficient I encountered this laser-gun looking device. Vacuum cleaning might have been fun had I been in possession of one of these when I was little. Nowadays I am more uncertain as to whether this is the […]