Eg har alltid vore av den formeining at Internett er ein stad der folk burde kommunisere på engelsk. Beklagelegvis syner det seg at dette er eit synspunkt eg er meir eller mindre �leine om i den heimlege omgangskrinsen min. Sjølv om tyngda av dei som vitjar nettstaden er utlendingar som gjev positive tilbakemeldingar har eg […]
You all know these words we recently heard, were fascinated by and try to put to use as often as possible. We know how to pronounce them, we know how to spell them and we know approximately nothing about what they really mean. Occasionally this proves fatal, when the victim of our superior conversation technique […]
I picked up this brochure at my hotel in Rio. It told me to visit the Belmonte bar, a fine establishment that seems to be packed with people most of the week. I do not doubt their capability of producing wonderful food and serving cold beers. It is this brochure that interest me. The design […]
There is no shortage of them, but what do scientists really mean when they use academic phrases? The following list of academic phrases and their definitions might help you understand the mysterious language of scientists (including psychology) and medicine. These special phrases are also applicable to anyone reading a PhD dissertation or academic paper. Academic […]