På hotellet Le Meridien er dei travelt opptekne med å montere opp juledekorasjonen sin. Den består av eit isslott, ein Tysk-Austeriksk alpelandsby og ein skog av plasttre med falsk snø. Det kan vere verd å stanse og tenkje seg om i religionsdebatten heime i Noreg når ein ser dette. Midt i eit strengt muslimsk land […]
Ski Dubai: meiningsløysa i innandørs skibakkar når ein vurderar dei oppimot miljøkostnadene er ikkje ubetydeleg. Det kostar å kjøle ned ein skibakke frå 40 varmegrader utandørs til -2 innandørs. Likevel er vel kanskje ikkje konseptet så mykje meir meiningslaust enn norske badeland som til eksempel Tropicana på Gol. Folk har ein underleg trong til det […]
I don’t don’t believe in ghosts? I mean, I don’t believe in them during broad daylight when everything is clear to the eye. After sleeping alone in a large, old, haunted, wooden-building during a storm night some years back, I am no longer sure that I can say the same during night! I could hear […]
My father is a collector. Not in the sense that he collects specific items of particular actual or sentimental value, he merely accumulates things. Things that have no particular use or function but occupy a rather large and unseemly amount of space! For most people this eccentricity would not be significant as the number of […]
And possibly an even smaller step for man-kind. My foot on its way to do something its owner will surely regret at Linlithgow castle near Edinburgh. Photo: Mike Bell.
Eitt av dei store vegvala i livet: gudsteneste (til høgre) eller flakedans (til venstre) – frelse eller fortaping? Teke under friluftshelga i Hyen, sommaren 2007. Foto: Asgjerd Bergheim (http://asgjerd.bergheim.dk).
A selection of photos from the fjord region of western Norway, taken in September 2007. The Melkevoll glacier at the far end of the Oldevatnet lake The river from the valley of Bødalen pouring into the beautifully green Lodalsvatnet lake Autumn colors by the Lodalsvatnet lake A scene from the Oldedalen valley Burning yellow forest […]
Novelty: A wonderfully sad brazilian frog with the text alegria (happiness in portuguese) carved into its base.
Poor quality photo taken at a Brighton mall in the pre-digital camera era. On the right: Worn-out father contemplating poster at pharmacy wall while heir is screaming her lungs out. — On the left: couple more likely to be practicing safe sex.
Why the hell shouldn’t you trust a man with a bow tie