
Vindmølle og Smorgaasbord ved the Danish Inn i Solvang, California. Etter dei grandiose naturopplevingane i Yosemite skulle vi vidare i til Los Angeles og etterkvart som vi køyrde sør-vestover frå Nevadafjella i retning Fresno kom vi gjennom ei rekkje små landsbyar med ufatteleg stor befolking. Ein stad var der ikkje andre livsteikn å sjå enn […]
Dette skulle ikkje verte ein vanleg bytur med ende- og mållaus gatevandring fjorten dagar til ende, difor tok vi for to dagar sidan vegen til Sierra Nevada. I denne fjellkjeda, som skiljer Nevadaørkenen frå Californiadalen, ligg mellom anna nasjonalparkane Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, Kings Canyon og Sequoia. Sidan eg var liten, og såg eit bilete av […]
Inntil i går kveld hadde eg eit grunnleggande positivt syn på kabelbanene som San Francisco er så kjend for gjennom talrike reiseprogram og spelefilmar. Vognene tek seg fram ved at dei hektar seg fast på eit “eviggåande” kabelsystem som er bygd inn i metallskinner i vegen. Det er heller ikkje til å nekte for at […]
Idar og Hooters-servitrisa vår, Laura. San Francisco: Å gjere ingenting over lengre tid er krevjande. Etter ein halv dag med intens “ingentinggjering” la difor Idar og eg turen innom den amerikanske nasjonalinstitusjonen Hooters for å få oss ein styrketår. Som ein konsekvens av den gode tonen mellom Idar og salskreftene vart det innimellom 14 forbausande […]
For the next two weeks Avinet colleague I.T.Kvam and myself, are going on a road-trip in California, Nevada and Arizona hoping to get the highlights of San Francisco, Yosemite Valley, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. Depending on whether we can get a steady up-link now and then we may – […]
A recent study trip with Avinet’s “corporate mother”, Asplan Viak, took me to Berlin in the company of about 60 merry colleagues. Following a similar experience in Turin, Italy, last year my expectations were split. Happy, as always, when thinking of the opportunity to enjoy evenings out in good company – but at the same […]
Above: My colleagues in Asplan Viak Internet at the top of Great Sugarloaf Mountain, County Wicklow, Ireland during our annual study trip. The sixth in the line of Avinet study trips was successfully executed from the 24th to the 28th of August 2007 with Dublin as a base for our activities. In addition to our […]
From me and my two companions, Harald and Øyvind, arrived at Bastia Airport until we were installed in our rented appartment in Calvi it took no more than two hours. Two hours during which we managed to collect our luggage, hire a car and drive it to the opposite end of the island. Calvi, a […]
During a recent trip to Ireland, me and colleagues Heather, Ivar Petter, Jostein, and Rune visited several key actors on the Irish ICT scene within public sector services, e-government and EU R&D projects. The Irish economy has been booming over the past few years and it was well worth the effort to see what they […]
Acting upon an invite from friends and colleagues Olga and Rob of MDR partners I decided to make a detour to Prague for one day. The occasion was a workshop on the PSI directive and its consequence for reuse and creation of value added services in the private sector (or at least outside its original […]