Paris (France)

The hotel it turned out was situated almost at the Place Pigalle – which is a very busy area for small scale business activites with typically one male employee commonly referred to as “the pimp” and several female employees carrying other professional titles.
There are so many things to see and take in when in Paris. The highlights are obvious; Jardin de Toulleries, Louvre, Versailles, Nortre Dame, Sacre Ceur, La Bastille, Moulin Rouge, Tour Eiffel and the list could probably go on for ever. These are things that you are expected to see when in Paris and people will give you a queer look if you come back without a substantial amount of these on your past itinerary. All these sights are of course worth seeing, but the authenticity may have been compromised by the large number of visitors in the later years and the view you are bound to get is a rather uniform product.

A walk in the Bois de Bologne

Leaving behind the busy city of Paris entering the Bois de Bologne with its narrow paths is a relieve to the mind.