London and Oxford (England)

London and Oxford (England)

A bed with walls, that is the best description of my hotel room. Although not a suitable venue for space consuming activities such as standing up or sitting the hotel was an excellent base for the trip.


London is is busy, it is grand and it is splendid in many ways… The amount of options available to me at any given time fascinate me and attract me; yet I maintain that London is alien to me.

Alien however can be good if handed out in suitable doses – one week being the maximum for me. Having read too much P.G.Wodehouse in my life I am always in pursuit of the Edwardian atmosphere of old time London – which sadly is no longer to be found within the confines of neither Westminster or the City – not authentic anyway.

In order to experience the true atmosphere of this era I sought out of London to the city of…


Oxford is no further away from London than to justify a visit even though only on a short stay. Being located only an hour up Thames Valley, though valley being a rather exaggerated expression for anyone living in western Norway.
It is not (just) the natural beauty of the university city which attracts me; it is equally much the architecture, the air of history, the atmosphere and the contrast to buzzing London life.

That been said, Oxford isn’t that quiet.