Culture, nature and tourism, Slovenia (2006)

Located in the Dravinja Valley in the north east, Slovenske Konjice spreads out over 98 square kilometers and is home to a population of modest 13 600 (2006). Less than one hour away from the capital, Ljubljana, the scenic landscape and wineries are easily accessible even on a day trip. Slovenians are an agreeable bunch!

1st visit to Slovenia

Ignoring Slovenia as a destination is a big mistake and one that you shouldn’t have to repeat as I have made it for you – for 32 years. Slovenia is much greener than the dull-grey eastern europe hue of post-WW2 films. In fact it is right out beautiful! It has mountains, it has villages, it has cities and they are all nicely distributed throughout the country rendering beautiful scenery nearly everywhere. Add to this the largest portions of meat you’ll be served in Europe and ignore the terpentine/juniper based liquor Brinjevec (see separate article) and chances are you’ll find yourself on your way to Ljubljana before you know it!