Day: April 29, 2007

Ein kveld eg var i retteleg godt humør hausten 2006 svara eg mot betre vitande når hustelefonen fasttelefonen min ringde. Det plar eg aldri gjere ettersom all erfaring tilseier at det er seljarar som ringjer. Men denne kvelden braut eg altså med leveregelen min grunna uvanleg ljos sinnsstemning. I den andre enden var det ein […]
During my three trips to Iceland I’ve had an exceptional dinner at Sjávarkjallarinn every time. The name means sea food cellar which is an excellent description of what we’re dealing with. The restaurant is located in a dimly lit cellar in downtown Reykjavik and is fitted with a modern yet comfortable interior design. The food […]
Recommending films is always difficult as I may ultimately be held accountable for wasting two hours out of someones life. Although a risky business, recommendations can tell you something significant about the person who gives the recommendation. Hence, I put a few recommendations up on my blog. Hearts in Atlantis Simon Birch Finding Neverland Million […]
A Tasca Tequila Bar is little more than a hole in the wall, located in a narrow street in Lisbons Barrio Alto district. Still, this is where I find myself coming back to every time I visit the city. At A Tasca I usually find myself drinking Tequila slammers. A Tequila slammer, for those who […]