Google search: 24 300 hates, 11 200 loves Facebook (August 2007)


Back in May I posted my Google search results for people’s feelings towards Facebook following a heated discussion with an old friend. Just to test out the use of Google as a poll tool I decided to repeat the search today – here are the results:

  • 1 – 10 of about 11 200 for “i love facebook” on August 7th against 543 (+10 657) on May 6th.
  • 1 – 10 of about 24 300 for “i hate facebook” on August 7th against 8 470 (+15 830) on May 6th.

My (somewhat inscientific) conclusion is that those who are angry are more likely to write about it immediately whereas those who didn’t realise the magnitude of their mistake in time are more likely to come out and try to defend it as time goes by!