Not even as a failure had my misadventure been complete. My walk had yielded several photos of the mountain I had wanted to climb with which I was pleased. And, the sunset had been—as is the custom of sunsets—faultless. But… to every silver lining, there is a cloud, and that cloud was now on my […]
— ‘You like my car, sir?’, asked Abdullah, visibly proud of his ageing Land Cruiser. Abdullah was my driver and guide for my day’s outing in Wadi Rum. — ‘It is an, an…, ah yes, an INTERESTING vehicle’, I replied; using the word ‘interesting’ as one does when at a loss for a something to […]
I 32 år har eg lukkast med å gå ikring utan å vite kva ein kalipper er for noko. Har knapt høyrt ordet, men sidan den 9. februar har eg knapt trefft eit menneske som ikkje talar med stor entusiasme om kalipperar! Eg veit enno ikkje heilt kva ein kalipper er men eg har fått […]
…står eg og Sture faste ved Rjukandefoss ovanfor Hemsedal. Venstre framhjulet har låst seg med bremsa inne! Det er 20 minus og likevel er bremsene raudglødande! Kvifor skal det vere slik? Det er vanskeleg å forstå!?
406 passed away within one year after finding a new home, on the 7th of November 2005, when it suffered a conflict with Norwegian bedrock, drew a terminal breath to to fill its airbags, and immediately seized to be. It all happened within the space of a few seconds. I have nothing but kind thoughts […]
Ford Sierra was bought by its second owner in 1998, it was 10 at the time and had spent his childhood in the hands of an owner who – except from fitting it with a most unsuitable styling set – cared for it with fatherly love. Thus ended the happy days of Ford Sierra. In […]