
Hello, Before I introduce myself, I wish to inform you that this letter is not a hoax mail and I urge you to treat it serious. We want to transfer to an overseas account, (20,000.000.00 GBP, Twenty million Great Britain Pounds) from a prime Bank here in Nigeria. I want to ask you, if you […]
FROM THE DESK OF:AHMED YUSUF, CHIEF ACCOUNTANT. NIGERIAN PORTS AUTHORITY (N.P.A) Reply email: Dear Sir/Madam, I am a Chief Accountant with the Nigerian Ports Authority ( N.P.A) and member of a 6 MAN presidential account Review Panel (comprising 2 Snr.Staff of CBN and 3 Snr, Staff of the finance ministry set up by present […]
“I am Mrs. Mariam Abacha, the widow of the late Gen. Sanni Abacha former Nigerian Military Head of State who died mysteriously as a result of Cardiac Arrest. Since after my husband’s death my family is under restriction of movement and that not with standing, we are being molested, policed and our Bank Account both […]
Mike Anthony, Branch Manager, United Bank For Africa Plc “…I am pleased to get across to you for a very urgent and profitable business proposal, though I don’t know you neither have I seen you before but my confidence was reposed on you when the Chief Executive of Lagos State chamber of Commerce and Industry […]
Mr. Belo Ige, Corporate and Investment Banking with CONTINENTAL TRUST BANK, Lagos, Nigeria First, he feels he must apologise to me for using this medium to communicate to me about this project and It is his great pleasure in writing me this letter on behalf of his colleagues and himself. Dear Partner to be, First, […]
MR. MOHAMMED ABACHA, son of late Gen. Sani Abacha, former head of State of Nigeria Even though his mother and a lawyer have already tried to make me help them move these money, now alos Sani Abachas’ son has entered the stage and wants a share… Dear Sir, I am MR. MOHAMMED ABACHA the son […]
Deinde Soyinka, telex programme officer, international remittances department of the Central Bank of Nigeria First and foremost, he would like to apologize for infringing into my privacy, but this is necessary as he urgently need my assistance in a mutually beneficial business transaction. He got my contact through his personal search in the inernet, and […]
Dr Jeffery Richard Williams, The group head, Banking Operation Deparment of foreign operations in Inland bank Nigeria plc He greets me sincerely. For my kind attention,He feels he must apologize for jumping into my private email address, he is very sorry indeed.There was no other way of passing this information out to solicit my interest […]
Dembo Ubah, lawyer resident and practising in Lagos, Nigeria He is using this correspondence to urgently seek and request my assistance in a sensitive but highly beneficial financial arrangement. An important client of his whose details he cannot release at this point has implored him to contact a reliable and trustworthy partner overseas to urgently […]
Mr.Collins Onyema senior manager accounts/audit department, in first bank of Nigeria Plc He says “My relationship with Mr. Mark started in 1992 when I was a supervisor in first bank marina branch.We met in my social club annual end of the year party and I introduced him to my bank where he opened this account […]