In English

Keen to explore the English Riviera I had booked tickets for Brighton since this is an ideal base for touring the coast and a pleasant spot to enjoy the sea.
Asplan Viak Internet as or Avinet as it is often dubbed is an independent company in the Asplan Viak group. I started working for the company in 2001 when it was first started as a consultant. When the former MD left I was assigned this post.
We were running a little late for the ferry back to Norway and had to catch the train. I gave everything I had and jumped after my companions onto the train that was already moving. The only small problem was that the train was moving south – and the ferry was quite a bit to […]
Sogn og Fjordane County Council The county council is the regional political level in the Norwegian system of government. I worked for the regional development department for three years, working with spatial planning, international project activities and GIS related work.
Madeira (Portugal) As we sat down in the sleighs at Monte, I realized that the Madeirans were not used to people my size. Would they be able to navigate the sleighs – I seriously doubted it and was very nearly correct! [ Stein Runar Bergheim, 0 . 2.Sat, ]
In addition to the splendour of the hotel Negresco and its fashionable neighbourhood the most prominent feature of Nice is the enourmus amount of dog piles in the streets. What I found most remarkable by the Casino was the toilets. They had a large panel of flashing lights indicating different programmes for flushing. I hadn’t […]
Limerick, Dublin, Galway & Ennis (Ireland) I had booked a bed & breakfast in Ballyboughal, near Dublin or at least near one of the suburbs called Swords. Near turned out to be quite far and allthough we had 18 colf courses within walking distance it was 30 minutes walk to the nearest (and only) pub. […]
The hotel it turned out was situated almost at the Place Pigalle – which is a very busy area for small scale business activites with typically one male employee commonly referred to as “the pimp” and several female employees carrying other professional titles. There are so many things to see and take in when in […]
Brighton beach was positively crowded with people. By the time we had made our way down to the seafront and gotten into the water we heard the first strike of thunder. In shorter than no time the beach was empty except two norwegians who couldn’t find anywhere to get dressed without getting everything completely wet […]
I have been working freelance for the university college as a lecturer in GIS – Geographical Information Systems – from 1998 to 2001. I have occasionally also given lectures in Maps, Geodata and Remote Sensing.