Author: (Stein) Runar Bergheim

I had booked myself into a small hotel in a village called Ollantaytambo (Ollanta), of which I had no knowledge and few expectations.⠀Low expectations constitute a favourable starting point for any village hoping to exceed them but are entirely wasted on Ollantaytambo. This village, and its surroundings, are brimming with Inca fortifications and constructions that […]
It must have started something like this: Salty water came out of a small spring on the hillside. The flow rose and fell with the seasons. Some surfaces that were submerged when the flow was high dried out when the flow lessened. Left behind, was a white substance.
Historians and scientists agree unanimously – and with absolute certainty – that the concentric circular terraces of Moray were made for an important purpose.
The Urubamba River
Within an hour of landing in Cusco, I found myself standing at a bridge near Ollantaytambo, taking in this most pleasing scenery.⠀“This isn’t how Peru is supposed to look”, I thought to myself. “This is how Alaska is supposed to look. Where are the colourful, pipe-smoking ladies with bowler hats, where are the pan flute […]
Folk går bort heile tida men det å misse ein far er ei bru ein kryssar berre ein gong i eitt menneskeliv. Sjølv om det gjev oss sorg at han er borte, er det samstundes også ei lette at han no har funne varig fred etter eitt halvår då tilværet var tungt for han. Når […]
Framom “Jernteppet” (skiltet og plastsløyfene på trea) Bakom “Jernteppet” Den kalde krigen gjekk ikkje så hardt inn på meg. Eg var meir oppteken av barne-TV og neste middagsmåltid. Det å unngå fiskekaker var for meg eitt viktigare mål enn å forstå kvifor Noreg engasjerte seg i noko eg ikkje visste heitte NATO eller kva var. […]
Vyrde frendar, nye som gamle, Like brått som det byrja er året 2015 kome til ende — og 2016 står for døra, reint og ubrukt. Eg vonar det nye året vert rikt på framgang og opplevingar, at det vert fylt av lukke men at det vert fattig på motgang og svartsyn. Eg vonar livet i […]
Dear friends, new and old, As suddenly as it arrived, 2015 has ended and 2016 is at the gate. As it is, the year stands empty – but it is brimming with potential. It is my sincere wish that the upcoming year will be prosperous, rich in experiences and filled with happiness – and similarly […]
[Article version of presentation delivered at the INSPIRE Geospatial World Forum in Lisbon on the 27th of May, 2015] In this article I am going to introduce you to a business case for Linked Open Data from a project we are doing for Abu Dhabi Municipality and the Department of Municipal Affairs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. […]