Kvil i fred kjære ven Minne eg ikkje visste at eg hadde strøymer på: hyggjelege kveldar; turar til fjell og fjerne strender; planar vi la – men ikkje gjennomførte. Du utretta meir på dine 37 år enn eg – meir enn mange etter eitt fullevd liv Verda står ikkje tom etter deg. Sorga vi kjenner […]
Januar 2012: Skal ein tru internasjonale media finst det ikkje den Iranar som ikkje anten skrur saman bomber, anrikar uranium, finansierar terrorisme – eller på anna vis bur seg til krig; fyrst og fremst mot Israel, dernest mot grannelaget i Midt-Austen og sist, men ikkje minst, mot utvalde kjenningar i Europa og USA. Dette gjer […]
After uplifting results in the late summer of 2010 I find that things have taken a turn for the worse in the cancerous growth of Facebook as a brand. “I love Facebook” returned 3 890 000 results “I hate Facebook” returned 1 910 000 results I believe it would have been healthier if the second […]
The Shiva temple of Pashupatinath in Kathmandu is popular with tourists as well as devoted Hindus – and – with mourners who come there to cremate their family members. This combination sets the scene for a bizarre experience on the banks of the Bagmati River. Just as we arrived, a self proclaimed guide reared his […]
While I was initially full of good intentions and itching to share my thoughts on this, that and the other, 2011 didn’t yield more than one post to bergheim.dk: a happy new year message. In terms of active blogging, this is just about the same as a horizontal curve on a heart rate monitor. However, […]
The gentleman in the picture below works in one of the many shops in the souq in Mutrah in the captial of Oman, Muscat. In addition to being a persuasive seller of pashmina and “same-same-but-different pashmina” shawls, he is also a numismatic. Among the curiosities of his collections he counts a Jugoslavian 1 000 000 000 (one billion) dinar […]
I haven’t conducted my love/hate Facebook search for a couple of years and thought that it could be interesting to see how the phenomena has developed since then. The relative numbers appear to be the same: “I love Facebook” returned 969 000 hits “I hate Facebook” returned 1 110 000 hits I am surprised – […]
Somewhat ironically, since I moved abroad three years ago, the number of posts written in English have gone dramatically down. In order to catch up, here follows my best wishes for a happy 2011– as well as a posthumous happy 2010 to you all!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years card which was not sent […]
– “Good morning sir, where to?”, spurde ein framoverlut sudanesar, medan vi kjempa ein kamp om kven som skulle lempe kofferten min inn i bagasjerommet. Som Gloppar er eg ikkje så komfortabel med folk som ynskjer å hjelpe meg med å bere eller flytte ting. – “To the airport, please”, mumla eg søvndrukken. Det er […]
Som “ung mann” på Kleiva var ikkje organisasjonslivet eit spesielt mangfaldig landskap å navigere i. Den fyrste sosiale rita ein kunne verte initiert i som ung i Mardal Krins på byrjinga av ‘80-talet var barneforeininga. Dette var eitt langtrakt intermezzo frå barneforeiningsbasar til barneforeiningsbasar der dei unge under tilsyn frå fromme samaritanar kunne malpraktisere disiplinar […]