
I spotted the largest plane I ever saw when flying into Ljubljana Airport. Please notice the fuel van parked under the wings on the far side of the monstrous machine.
The Bishops Meeting, part of the management of the Church of Norway, has decided to alter future translations of the Holy Bible into Norwegian by excluding the word “tukt” (Norwegian for punishment/torment). The decision was made unanimously. It doesn’t say if God was consulted on the matter, but we must assume that He, like most […]
A viking in a stripy suit named Pål, and his cheerful companion Sture. An everyday scene from a Reykjavik store.
This is the household item you’ve all been waiting for! Is it a closet? No. Is it a public toilet with ill-placed windows? No. Is it the 2 person infra-red sauna? YES!!! And it comes at a favorable price of only € 2 699.00 – a real bargain if you ask me! And you won’t […]
Quick, quick, fax an ambulance… Photo taken near Calvi on Corsica, France. Maybe ambulance means something different in french, most things do, regardless the sign looks funny!
This box contained a cup with an attitude. It was purchased at a gadget shop in Copenhagen in 2005.
A recent study trip with Avinet’s “corporate mother”, Asplan Viak, took me to Berlin in the company of about 60 merry colleagues. Following a similar experience in Turin, Italy, last year my expectations were split. Happy, as always, when thinking of the opportunity to enjoy evenings out in good company – but at the same […]
Det er ikkje eit skikkeleg år om eg ikkje har vore inn på Fagredalsreset og sett utover Fagredalen, Blådalen og Måsedalen. Då frende Ove var på (relativt) sørlege breddegrader for nokre dagar, nytta vi høvet til å ta ein tur på Granekupa for å fiske – og meditere over nok eit år utan at vi […]
View from the ascent to Scafell Pike from Wasdale, overlooking Wastwater and the Cumbrian coast on the horizon. This years fishing trip was destined for the Cumbrian mountains in North-Western England, making it the third of our fishing trips abroad, succeeding trips to the highlands of Scotland and to Connemara in Western Ireland. The original […]
Eg svara idag på ei spørjegransking på Internett. Til eitt av spørsmåla var det fire svaralternativ: “helt uenig”, “uenig”, “enig” og “helt enig”. Kan nokon fortelje meg skilnaden på det å vere “usamd” og det å vere “heilt usamd”?