
GIS training courses in ten minutes? A new series of fact sheets from claims teach you GIS as well as various system and process modeling techniques in only ten minutes. Perhaps. While some more time might be required for thorough understanding of this comprehensive topic, the fact sheets are quite informative and would be […]
Above: the planet Earth, and with it; the Internet, as seen from the moon (“Earth-Rise” image courtesy of NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre web site) A question I have pondered on quite a bit since I first took an interest in the World Wide Web is where to put my energy and creativity as a writer to […]
Etter å ha prøvd talrike gonger å få endra ei oppføring i Telefonkatalogen via noko så passande som telefonen freista eg i dag “kontakt oss” tenesta på nettsidene til Eniro. Eg nytta Mozilla Firefox og alt virka som det skulle – fram til eg freista å sende inn skjemaet når det var ferdig utfyllt. […]
The last few weeks FaceBook has spread like a wild fire througout Norway. The major newspapers have started to pick up on the trend and having read their many articles to the praise of FaceBook, I feel like reflecting a little. Back in 1999/2000 a social networking site called eCircles was on the rise. A […]
After having written on my homepage blogged for nigh on 10 years now I have come to the conclusion that I no longer have sufficient time to both developing the technology and blogging. Having assessed my alternatives I concluded that WordPress would be the best way forward. All the articles from my old web site […]
Mi kjære mor har teke steget ut på verdsveven i ein alder av sytti-noko. Det er kanskje ikkje så uvanleg i våre dagar men eg vil likevel gratulere ho med framsteget og oppmuntre ho til å halde fram å skrive i bloggen sin. Følgjande er saksa frå bloggen hennar: … Asgjerd vart hekta på bruk […]
Apparently I am hereby approved a lump sum pay of 685,000.00 Eruos (SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND Euros) in cash credit file ref: ILP/HW 46704/03 from the total cash prize shared amongst Eight lucky winners in this category However, it also says in the mail that I am not supposed to tell anyone just […]
Having been working with ICT for the better part of 11 years now I feel I am at liberty to have a say in the debate on Open Source vs Commercial Software. Here goes… The main point I would like to make is not one that will place me in this or that camp as […]
With social networking sites ever on the rise, new problems arise with them. One of the latest is “social networking fatigue” which is what kicks in when you become a member of one too many arenas that require your presence your interaction and thus a part of your time. The earliest quotation that mentions the […]
Halfbakery The place for your brilliant idea or the place where you look at other peoples brilliant ideas… [ Stein Runar Bergheim, M. 3.Mon, ]