
Eg svara idag på ei spørjegransking på Internett. Til eitt av spørsmåla var det fire svaralternativ: “helt uenig”, “uenig”, “enig” og “helt enig”. Kan nokon fortelje meg skilnaden på det å vere “usamd” og det å vere “heilt usamd”?
Downloaded and installed the long awaited Windows Mobile 6 update for HTC-branded TyTN phones today. At one point during the install procedure I was presented with this screen: This screen is obviously designed to be idiot-proof and reads in sequence these three sentences: This utility updates the ROM image on your PDA phoneDuring the update […]
It shouldn’t be humanly possible, and yet I have managed to do it! Within a span of three measly weeks I have managed to have one camera stolen and another one lost! Maybe it is a sign that I ought to stop taking photos? If by any chance you’ve found a Canon IXUS 400 in […]
Dear Bastard, You may be surprised to read this letter as we haven’t formally been introduced to oneanother. However, as you know we did meet briefly at Dublin Airport Sunday, 13th of May 2007. I, a law abiding citizen and amateur photographer, was there with my camera. You, a bastard, were there making an exhibit […]
I am currently sitting in the very back of a conference room with about 170 attendees. Up front is a good speaker, except for the fact that he uses slides with a ridiculously small font. Why do people write so much anyway? There is no call for all this insane amount of writing on a […]
I am looking for a particularly powerful file deletion utility to wipe the remains of this tragic movie off the hard drive my media center PC. Do not under any circumstances allow yourself to be tricked into seeing this film. Even the longest of life spans doesn’t allow for this utter and complete waste. I […]
After having discussed the topic of “damaging” films with a friend a while ago I came up with three films that I find likely to cause a bad effect on unsuspecting people. These are: Salo or the 120 days of Sodom Sweet Movie Caligula I believe the world wouldn’t have been a worse place had […]
Apparently I am hereby approved a lump sum pay of 685,000.00 Eruos (SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND Euros) in cash credit file ref: ILP/HW 46704/03 from the total cash prize shared amongst Eight lucky winners in this category However, it also says in the mail that I am not supposed to tell anyone just […]
Like sikkert som det er vinter, vår, sommar eller haust er det stengt i Fatlaberget Kvar dag gong eg køyrer gjennom her Fatlaberget møter eg folk som ligg framover rattet med vidopne, redde auge medan dei fordelar blikket mellom fjellsida og vegbana i eit 70/30 tilhøve. Å køyre bil er noko av det farlegaste ein […]
Gjekk gjennom Galleri Oslo i dag, hovudstaden sin største busstasjonen. Har sjeldan sett så mange bistre menneske på ein stad som eg kan minnast. Det er ganske tarveleg å reise med buss. Eg hadde gløymt dette då det er mange år sidan eg nytta denne forma for transport. Eg trur det er tre år sidan […]