
Statsvitar Erling Dokk Holm identifiserte i dag det Sogndal kommune har slite med i lang tid. Sjølvaste nøkkelen til å oppnå ei positiv utvikling her. Det som manglar her er fleire homofile, fråskilde og innvandrarar. Det Dokk Holm er bekymra for er at det ikkje er rom for menneske som ikkje fell innunder A4-definisjonen i […]
It is often said, without erring, that the worst web sites belong to web designers. While Avinet, my company, is not into web design it is close enough for the old web site to have brought considerable shame to the name. It has been about a year and a half since we stopped updating our […]
Er det verkeleg slik at ein flyavgang ikkje er kansellert når flyet ikkje landar på flyplassen du skal reise frå? Aftenposten tykkjer visst det! I nettutgåva av Aftenposten 15.01.2007 kunne ein lese følgjande: Bare to flyginger stanset av uværet Mandagens uvær førte ikke til store problemer for flyreisende. Widerøe måtte innstille to flyginger, mens de […]
Described by Luther as being “in the center of the center of Germany”, Erfurt is the captial of the State of Thuringia in the former East Germany. Founded in year 742 it now is home to about 200 000 citizens distributed over an area of 269 square kilometres. Erfurt has the feel of a medieval […]
Tractor driver chatting up woman from old Zetor-tractor at one of Zetor’s characteristic pub tables. After visiting Helsinki’s tractor pub Zetor, named after the Czech tractor brand popular during the Cold War, my interest for Leningrad Cowboys came to life again after years of slumber. The pub, owned by Aki Kaurismaki, was decorated with Zetors […]
Founded in 1550 by Gustavus I of Sweden, Helsinki is today the capital of Finland with a population of roughly 570 000 (2006) spread out over an area of 186 square kilometres. The national stereotype is someone who can sit idle in a sauna (at about 80 degrees) for several hours without uttering a word. […]
Situated in the region of Northumbria between the Scottish border and North Yorkshire, Newcastle upon Tyne has a population of 266 000 inhabitants (2006) distributed over roughly 112 square kilometres. The settlement dating way back to the romans, the city owes its name to a castle built by the Normans in the year 1080. Locals […]
With social networking sites ever on the rise, new problems arise with them. One of the latest is “social networking fatigue” which is what kicks in when you become a member of one too many arenas that require your presence your interaction and thus a part of your time. The earliest quotation that mentions the […]
I følgje Associated Press har ein tysk domstol ilagt ei sjølvproklamert heks å tilbakebetale eit større pengebeløp innkravd for salet av ein kjærleiksfremjande trylleformel. Dette etter at ein kvinnelege klient kunne konstantere at den tidlegare kjærasten hennar, heksekunsten til trass, likevel ikkje kom attende.
The German capital lies on both banks of the river Spree where it has grown out of the settlement of Cölln founded in 1237. The city is now home to about 3 385 000 (2000) citizens spread over an area of 890 square kilometres. Germans love cars, something which puts a definitive mark on the […]